A Study on Landscape Design of Water Friendly in Batulicin
Yudha Kartana P.1) , H. A. Simarmata 2), N. Hutasoit 3), dan A. Malik 4)
1) Indonesia Society of Landscape Architect - Ikatan Arsitek Lanskap Indonesia (IALI), Central Java, Indonesia
2) HAS Consulting Founder, Scientific Committee Member in ISOCARP – International Society of City and Regional
Planners, and President of Indonesian Association of Urban and Regional Planners (IAP)
3) Head of Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Universitas Indonesia
4) Bappeda of Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu
The development of the urban landscape continues to change which is influenced by lifestyle,
developments in information and technology, to national issues. The development of the landscape is
also accompanied by several supporting factors, the preservation of endemic flora and fauna,
awareness of the originality of the landscape, and potential trends in the transformation of
environmental quality to the development of city spatial planning. The current needs for urban
housing and public space in Batulicin, Banjarmasin conflict with the awareness of the management
and protection of peat forest areas. Peat swamp forest is a fragile ecosystem, which means that this
forest is very easily disturbed and it is very difficult to return to its original condition if it is not
environmentally oriented.
The lack of understanding of landscape management in Batulicin was caused by imposing changes in
the natural conditions of the environment for needs, and a lack of understanding of the basic
character of the landscape. This will have an impact on landscape design that does not pay attention
to disaster risks, as well as degradation of the adaptation level of flora and fauna in their natural
ecosystem. This condition also has an impact on development with poor sanitation, lack of awareness
of waste management, especially in peatlands, which should be able to pay attention to the natural
ability of its environment to return. In Kota Batulicin, changes in the microclimate due to the influence
of the handling of planting on urban spatial planning are not optimal, resulting in the emergence of
an urban heat island effect on the urban space.
The policy direction for the arrangement of the Batulicin urban landscape will be oriented towards
local biodiversity diversity. The development of the urban physical and social landscape with all its
activities must be able to coexist with the existence of its endemic flora and fauna assets. The urban
landscape of Batulicin through the use of constructed wetland techniques must be able to integrate
with one another by applying flexibility in the use of its resources.
Saving the landscape and the life of the surrounding flora and fauna, especially in the Batulicin River
as a place to live and shelter for the typical Bornean animals, namely the proboscis monkey, does not
have to be eliminated by the negligence of the wrong direction of the urban landscape structuring
policy. The development of the urban landscape and its architecture should lead to the empowerment
of local wisdom values by adopting the long-standing adaptability of indigenous people. Planning
and designing green and blue infrastructure is an idea that puts forward friendly cities to live in if the
entire ecosystems interplay with ecological values. The city of Batulicin with the 'Water Sensitive Urban
Design' approach, which is dominated by peat landscapes, is expected to be able to provide space for
all biotic and abiotic components to be able to respond to the availability of sustainable water supply,
regulating the complexity of the hydrological cycle to changes in environmental quality, and planting
arrangements that are capable of engineering. micro climate. The WSUD approach to the Batulicin
City landscape will synergize with efforts to save natural and environmental, social, economic and
cultural investments.
Keyword : urban landscape, ecology, peat forest, blue and green infrastructure, water sensitive urban
design (WSUD)
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